- VCよりCrowdfundingでの調達がベストとのお話でしたが、HAXやHighway 1などのHardwareに特化したSeed Acceleratorについてはbunnieさんはどう思われますか?
(bunnie) Crowdfunding is better for the entrepreneur, because you retain more control and have less outside interference. Plus, you can discover customers directly and gain access to non-dilutive capital.
However, there are some cases where you need an accelerator. Maybe your idea requires more skills than you currently have to execute, or you need some access to Shenzhen to help figure out the supply chain. In which case, an accelerator like HAX could bring some value. At the end of the day, you probably don't want to consider joining an accelerator because they give you money, but more because of the connections and counsel you can receive to improve your idea.
起業家にとってはクラウドファンディングのほうがいいでしょう。より多くを自分でコントロールでき、他からほとんど干渉を受けないからです。それに加えて、直接、顧客を見つけられるし、希薄化されない資金調達(※訳注:non-dilutive finance)もできます。
- Bunny-san, How do you manage the gap between economical condition ( = want to sell more and earn ) and making motivation ( just I want to make what I want)?
(bunnie) I think the key insight is that if you're going to make something, most of the difficulty is in making the first unit. To make two of the same thing is usually less effort than making the first one.
Of course, if the "first one" is just a prototype with many changes and hand-wires on it, this rule doesn't quite apply. But assuming that you have to deliver something for your own needs that is fairly cleaned up and reliable, usually it's not too bad to make two (or even more).
So then the question is, can you find someone else who could use the other unit, who can share some cost with your effort? And then maybe one more person?
So mostly for me, when I make something, it's about finding the right people who are willing to pay enough for the thing I'm building. If someone says they would pay for it, but the amount they would pay is less than the cost of the materials, it means they don't really /need/ the thing. So also it's important to find the right customers who would be like, "oh, wow -- you're building a thing. And I would otherwise have to build a very similar thing. My time is valuable, so how about I pay you more than the material is worth to save me some of my time". That's the ideal customer.
- プロダクトがうまく前に進んでいかない時(開発難航、お金の問題、人間的な衝突など)がありましたか?あった時どうやって乗り越えましたか?
(bunnie) The main factor is to make sure you don't take on obligations that remove your ability to control your destiny. The moment you feel like you lose control of the situation, it's very negative. However, if you can fully control e.g. schedule, product spec, delivery quality, then development difficulties and money problems can be traded off against other factors. Human conflicts are the most difficult factor to control, because humans often are unreasonable.
- アイデアの具現化とそれを広めること、どちらに興味を持っていますか?
(bunnie) I think this question is "what am I currently interested in doing". I have a project I'm working on right now, you can read more about it at https://betrusted.io. It's a project to build a secure communication enclave.
- モノを作るモチベーションとなった映画や小説、アニメなどあれば教えてください。
(bunnie) Sure...my younger inspiration came from a combination of reading Steven Levy's "Hackers", Robert Heinlin's "Stranger in a Strange Land", and watching a lot of the anime Bubble Gum Crisis and later on Ghost in the Shell. But also, a very important work which motivated me is the Apple II reference manual. It contains all the schematics for the Apple II -- that was a key moment for me when I realized hardware could be understandable, even if I couldn't understand the schematic at the time.
(バニー(翻訳:秋田))若い頃にSteven Levyの"Hackers"、Robert Heinlinの"Stranger in a Strange Land"、そして多くのアニメBubble Gum CrisisやGhost on the Shellを見たのは大きいです。でも最も大きな影響があったのは、Apple IIのリファレンスマニュアルです。これにはApple IIのの回路図も載っていて、そのときには理解できなかったにしても、「ハードウェアが理解できる」ことに気づいたのでした。
- 秋田先生> 研究者の人はごく小さいことでも今まで誰も知らない「新しいこと」を次々発見することが評価され、社会的実装は成果として評価されにくいのでは?
- 企業が手を付けない、世の中の問題に目を向けるのが一つの道だと思いました。 世の中の色々な問題(ネタ)・社会科学を研究されているような研究者の方たちとの交流の場はありますか?
- Makerの活動とDIYバイオの活動 は似ているか 共同することで何らかのブレークスルーが期待できるか
(bunnie) Yes, there is some similarity, but also a lot of difference. I do think the "DIY Bio" movement is very interesting, and there are some makers already trying to push the edge in biology. I hope for example, someday we can make our own medicine at home as Makers, instead of having to rely upon companies to provide us the very important items to keep alive. It's probably a long, long time away though before that can happen.
(バニー(翻訳:秋田))はい、似ているところも多いですが、違いもたくさんあります。「DIY Bio」運動が非常に興味深いですし、実際に何人ものメイカーが生物学の端を開拓しています。例えば、実現までには長い時間がかかるでしょうが、会社に頼らなくても自分で薬をつくれるような世界がくるといいな、と思います。
- 大学の研究成果をビジネスとして社会実装するために、研究者と経営者・執行者、投資家といった様々なプレーヤーからなるチームの組成が求められると思うのですが、どうすれば研究者とその他のプレーヤーとの交流が増えると思いますか?
- 秋田先生へ 日本の大学が今よりもオープンソースや成果のシェアという形で社会貢献をしていく場所になるためには、大学はどう変わるべきなのでしょうか?
(秋田) 個人的な感触ですが、大学の研究は論文や特許を出したら終わりで、そのあとの実用化(社会実装)は誰かよろしく、という姿勢の研究者が多いような気がします。そしてそのための情報提供に、あまり積極的ではない研究者が多いような気もします(例えば実用化に向けた情報提供や発展の議論、あるいはそもそもその研究の情報発信(論文以外で)について)。なので、論文を書いたら終わり、ではなくて、社会貢献としての、その社会実装に向けて、いやいや取り組むのではなく、主体的に取り組む姿勢をもつことが大事なのではないかと思います。
- みなさまが今のような活動や観点や感覚を持つようになった原体験・きっかけは?(再現性の探索は科学だと思うので)
(bunnie) This is a pretty broad question -- but I've had many experiences and had a lot of luck in my life that some experiences didn't go so badly that I could not recover. I am thankful for that.
- バニーさんは、アリーアダプターからマジョリティへとキャズムを超えさせるのは、別の専門家の役目と考えているのか、いつかは自分がユニコーンを作ってやると考えているのでしょうか
(bunnie) If a project becomes successful, one important point is to control the rate of growth. If it grows too fast it can be bad for you too. Eventually you have to add more people to help on a project, and I have a "people first, growth second" approach. So I won't grow a business until I have the people in place to handle the growth. But the amount of value even a single person can add to a project can be enormous.
To be clear, I'm not looking to "become unicorn" in that I expect I can somehow sprout wings and learn to fly like the billion dollar company. It's more like...when I find people to add to the company, it just means we can go a little farther, a little higher, but by reaching a larger radius of customers more money is produced than is spent to grow the company, and that's a healthy ratchet upwards.