今年の11月17(木), 18(金)に東京(東工大田町キャンパス)にて, 日本光学会情報フォトニクス研究グループ+CMOSワーキンググループ主催の イメージセンサとその応用分野の接点を議論する国際会議を開催します. なお,初日16:20-17:50のポスターセッションは,情報センシング研究会主催の オープンセッションとなっております.(情報センシング11月研究会として開催します) 20件程度のポスター発表を募集致しますので,是非ご投稿下さい. 積層,単一光子検出,超高速時間分解,超低消費電力などの最先端の イメージセンサ技術から,ノイズ低減画像処理技術,超微弱生体光イメージング, 補償光学やシートビームを用いた細胞イメージング,生体や分光イメージングなど, 幅広いイメージセンサ応用から,招待講演を頂きます. アドバンスプログラムおよび詳細は,下記のURLをご覧下さい. (招待講演者は全員確定しております.) http://www.i-photonics.jp/meetings.html#20161117IWISS http://www.i-photonics.jp/meetings.html#20161117IWISS 広い視点からイメージセンサの未来を議論する国際会議ですので, 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております. なお,事前予約が必要です. --- 3rd International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging Systems (IWISS2016) -Frontier of image sensors based on conceptual breakthroughs inspired by applications- Date: November 17 (THR) and 18 (FRI), 2016 Access: see Tamachi Campus at http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/maps/index.html Address: 3-3-6 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0023 JAPAN Official language: English [Advanced program and latest information] http://www.i-photonics.jp/meetings.html#20161117IWISS <<Overview>> In this workshop, people from various research fields, such as image sensing, imaging systems, optics, and image processing, come together to discuss the future and frontiers of image sensor technologies. For the continuous progress and diversity in the engineering of image sensors and imaging systems, state-of-the-art and emerging technologies will be explored. The symposium is composed of invited talks, a poster session, and reception. We are accepting approximately 20 poster papers. Submission of papers for the poster presentation starts in September, and the deadline is on September 23, 2016. Awards will be given to the selected excellent paper presented by an ITE member. We encourage everyone to submit latest original work. Every participant needs pre-registration by October 31, 2016. On-site registration is NOT accepted. Only poster session is an open session organized by ITE. <<Scope>> - Image sensor technologies - Imaging systems and image sensor applications - Related process and circuit technologies - Next-generation technologies for image sensors and imaging systems <<Pre-registration for audience>> Pre-registration is necessary because the number of seats is limited. Send e-mail to iwiss2016@idl.rie.shizuoka.ac.jp with the following information by Oct. 31. (1) Your name (2) Affiliation (3) Title: Prof./ Dr./ Mr./ Ms. (choose one) (4) Regular/ Student (choose one) (5) E-mail address (Official e-mail is preferred) (6) Join reception party (3,000-yen for students/ 5,000-yen for the regular): Yes/ No (choose one) <<Registration fee>> Audience (regular): ~7,000-yen (~64USD) Audience (student): ~4,000-yen (~36USB) Poster presenter (regular): ~6,000-yen (~55USD) Poster presenter (student): ~3,000-yen (~27USD) NOTE) Please pay registration and reception fees on site. <<Paper submission to the poster session>> Entry your paper at the following URL: https://www.ite.or.jp/ken/form/index.php?tgs_regid=94d97064b092ac99fcd9b1309cee0facf153beb7632e278e3458bb7be8839ce7&tgid=ITE-IST&lang=eng (Use the above English page for the paper entry. DO NOT follow the Japanese instructions at the bottom of the page.) Paper entry deadline: Sep. 23(Fri), 2016 (Only title, authors, and short abstract are required) Manuscript submission deadline: Oct. 21(Fri), 2016 (2-page English proceeding is required) A few excellent posters presented by ITE members will be awarded. Please consider to become a member of ITE before the workshop. <<Poster award>> One excellent paper will be awarded among the papers presented by ITE members. NOTE) Poster presenters whose paper is accepted do NOT need pre-registration. --- Sponsored by Group of Information Photonics (IPG) +CMOS Working Group, the Optical Society of Japan Co-sponsored by Technical Group on Information Sensing Technologies (IST), the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE) In cooperation with IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter and innovative Photonics Evolution Research Center (iPERC) Chair (IPG): Prof. Hirotsugu Yamamoto (Utsunomiya Univ., Japan) Chair (ITE): Prof. Shigetoshi Sugawa (Tohoku Univ., Japan) Vice-Chair (IPG): Prof. Hiroyuki Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Vice-Chair (ITE): Prof. Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ., Japan) Technical Program Chair: Prof. Min-Woong Seo and Prof. Keita Yasutomi (Shizuoka Univ., Japan) Student Volunteering Chair: Mr. Futa Mochizuki (Shizuoka Univ., Japan) <Contact for any question about IWISS2016> E-mail: iwiss2016@idl.rie.shizuoka.ac.jp (Keiichiro Kagawa, Shizuoka University)