* 鏡味 [#b7864feb]
- Digital necromancy
-- [[‘Digital necromancy’: why bringing people back from the dead with AI is just an extension of our grieving practices:https://theconversation.com/digital-necromancy-why-bringing-people-back-from-the-dead-with-ai-is-just-an-extension-of-our-grieving-practices-213396]]
-- [[救いか?冒涜か?AIで再現された故人と対話する「デジタルネクロマンシー」:https://nazology.net/archives/134845]]

* WU  [#b7864feb]
- HOOV: Hand Out-Of-View Tracking for Proprioceptive Interaction using Inertial Sensing
-- HOOV, a wrist-worn sensing method that allows AR users to interact with objects outside their field of view.
-- <https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.07016>
-- <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfATjc3uHQ4>