* 4th International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging...
-Frontier of image sensors based on conceptual breakthrou...
** [基調講演] [#r0ceb5b1]
- "Time-of-flight single-photon avalanche diode imagers"
- SPADを用いた時間分解CMOSイメージセンサの開発で知られるF...
- Date: November 28 (WED) and 29 (THU), 2018
- Access: see Tamachi Campus at http://www.titech.ac.jp/e...
Address: 3-3-6 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0023 JAPAN
- Official language: English
* <<Advance Program and Latest Information>> [#f2a2bf3a]
[13 Invited Talks in 5 Topical Sessions]
+ Time-resolved imaging
+ Circuit and process technologies
+ Multi-spectral imaging
+ Biomedical imaging
+ Computational imaging and display
* <<Overview>> [#j12b0658]
In this workshop, people from various research fields, su...
We are accepting approximately 20 poster papers. Submissi...
*<<Scope>> [#gb6b3aca]
- Image sensor technologies: process, circuit, architecture
- Imaging systems and image sensor applications
- Optics and photonics: nanophotonics, plasmonics, micros...
- Computational imaging and computational photography
- Any applications and related topics of image sensors an...
Multi-spectral imaging, ultra-fast imaging, biomedical im...
IoT, VR, deep learning,...
* <<Online Registration for Audience and Poster Presenter...
Registration is necessary because the number of seats is ...
Registration deadline is Nov. 9.
Register and pay online from the following website, which...
** [Registration Fee] [#bea8f165]
- Regular: 15,000-yen (~137USD)
- Student: 8,000-yen (~73USD)
** [Reception party on the 1st day] [#fd501184]
- Regular: 5,000-yen (~46USD)
- Student: 3,000-yen (~28USD)
* <<Paper Submission to the Poster Session>> [#r43cba8c]
Entry your paper at the following URL:https://www.ite.or....
(Use the above English page. DO NOT follow the Japanese i...
** [Paper Entry Deadline] [#qb2f6331]
Oct. 5(Fri), 2018 (Only title, authors, and short abstrac...
[Manuscript Submission Deadline]
Nov. 2 (Fri), 2018 (2-page English proceeding is required)
NOTE) Poster presenters need online registration to atten...
** [Poster Award] [#p5d64683]
A few excellent posters presented by ITE members will be ...
Please consider to become a member of ITE before the work...
* <<Collaboration with MDPI Sensors Special Issue>> [#g53...
Special Issue on Advanced CMOS image sensors and Emerging...
Paper submission deadline: Feb. 28, 2019
The poster presenters are encouraged to submit a paper to...
Note-1) Those who do not give a presentation in the IWISS...
Note-2) Sensors is an open access journal, the APC of 180...
Note-3) For poster presenters of IWISS2018, please satisf...
Sponsored by Group of Information Photonics (IPG) +CMOS W...
Co-sponsored by International Image Sensor Society (IISS)...
In cooperation with IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter and innovativ...
General Chair: Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
Vice Chair:
- Takayuki Hamamoto (Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan, Chai...
- Hirotsugu Yamamoto (Utsunomiya Univ., Japan, Chair of I...
Technical Program Committee:
- Shoji Kawahito (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
- Takashi Komuro (Saitama Univ., Japan),
- Hajime Nagahara (Osaka Univ., Japan)
- Atushi Ono (Shizuoka Univ., Japan),
- Min-Woong Seo (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
- Hiroyuki Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Tech., Japan)
- Nobukazu Teranishi (Shizuoka Univ./Univ. Hyogo, Japan),
- Keita Yasutomi (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
* <Contact for any question about IWISS2018> [#id24a66e]
E-mail: iwiss2018@idl.rie.shizuoka.ac.jp
(Keiichiro Kagawa, Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
* 4th International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging...
-Frontier of image sensors based on conceptual breakthrou...
** [基調講演] [#r0ceb5b1]
- "Time-of-flight single-photon avalanche diode imagers"
- SPADを用いた時間分解CMOSイメージセンサの開発で知られるF...
- Date: November 28 (WED) and 29 (THU), 2018
- Access: see Tamachi Campus at http://www.titech.ac.jp/e...
Address: 3-3-6 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0023 JAPAN
- Official language: English
* <<Advance Program and Latest Information>> [#f2a2bf3a]
[13 Invited Talks in 5 Topical Sessions]
+ Time-resolved imaging
+ Circuit and process technologies
+ Multi-spectral imaging
+ Biomedical imaging
+ Computational imaging and display
* <<Overview>> [#j12b0658]
In this workshop, people from various research fields, su...
We are accepting approximately 20 poster papers. Submissi...
*<<Scope>> [#gb6b3aca]
- Image sensor technologies: process, circuit, architecture
- Imaging systems and image sensor applications
- Optics and photonics: nanophotonics, plasmonics, micros...
- Computational imaging and computational photography
- Any applications and related topics of image sensors an...
Multi-spectral imaging, ultra-fast imaging, biomedical im...
IoT, VR, deep learning,...
* <<Online Registration for Audience and Poster Presenter...
Registration is necessary because the number of seats is ...
Registration deadline is Nov. 9.
Register and pay online from the following website, which...
** [Registration Fee] [#bea8f165]
- Regular: 15,000-yen (~137USD)
- Student: 8,000-yen (~73USD)
** [Reception party on the 1st day] [#fd501184]
- Regular: 5,000-yen (~46USD)
- Student: 3,000-yen (~28USD)
* <<Paper Submission to the Poster Session>> [#r43cba8c]
Entry your paper at the following URL:https://www.ite.or....
(Use the above English page. DO NOT follow the Japanese i...
** [Paper Entry Deadline] [#qb2f6331]
Oct. 5(Fri), 2018 (Only title, authors, and short abstrac...
[Manuscript Submission Deadline]
Nov. 2 (Fri), 2018 (2-page English proceeding is required)
NOTE) Poster presenters need online registration to atten...
** [Poster Award] [#p5d64683]
A few excellent posters presented by ITE members will be ...
Please consider to become a member of ITE before the work...
* <<Collaboration with MDPI Sensors Special Issue>> [#g53...
Special Issue on Advanced CMOS image sensors and Emerging...
Paper submission deadline: Feb. 28, 2019
The poster presenters are encouraged to submit a paper to...
Note-1) Those who do not give a presentation in the IWISS...
Note-2) Sensors is an open access journal, the APC of 180...
Note-3) For poster presenters of IWISS2018, please satisf...
Sponsored by Group of Information Photonics (IPG) +CMOS W...
Co-sponsored by International Image Sensor Society (IISS)...
In cooperation with IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter and innovativ...
General Chair: Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
Vice Chair:
- Takayuki Hamamoto (Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan, Chai...
- Hirotsugu Yamamoto (Utsunomiya Univ., Japan, Chair of I...
Technical Program Committee:
- Shoji Kawahito (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
- Takashi Komuro (Saitama Univ., Japan),
- Hajime Nagahara (Osaka Univ., Japan)
- Atushi Ono (Shizuoka Univ., Japan),
- Min-Woong Seo (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
- Hiroyuki Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Tech., Japan)
- Nobukazu Teranishi (Shizuoka Univ./Univ. Hyogo, Japan),
- Keita Yasutomi (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
* <Contact for any question about IWISS2018> [#id24a66e]
E-mail: iwiss2018@idl.rie.shizuoka.ac.jp
(Keiichiro Kagawa, Shizuoka Univ., Japan)