




2つ目は、8日に発表されていたTaste Colorizerです。これは映像から物体検出AIで飲食物を検知し、GPT4-Visionで味を推定した上でその味の液体を出力するというものです。単に味を出力するだけでなく、味の推定結果を映像に載せて保存することで、映像上の飲食物をタッチするとその味が出るというギミックが特徴的だと感じました。


3つ目は「 ChatGPTを利用したプログラムの翻訳による プログラミング学習手法の提案」というポスター発表です。




INTERACTION 2024に参加しました(尾瀬)


今回は今年の3月6日(水)~ 3月8日(金)に開催された シンポジウム、INTERACTION 2024にデモ発表者として参加しましたので、その報告を行いたいと思います。






I am very happy to participate in this year’s Interaction Symposium. I saw a lot of excellent works and also learned from different developers about different ways of thinking in the field of HCI. The following is my summary of the symposium this time.
Many of the works presented made me feel the breakthrough of interaction ways, and also made me understand the importance of exploring different interaction ways. I used to think about new interaction methods from the perspective of practicality and problem solving all the time, by that way, my thinking has been limited to existing interaction methods and problems, at the same time I used to do not understand the significance of some new interaction methods that cannot be directly applied. Through these days’ study, I realized the importance of breaking through new interaction methods, and that the research on interaction methods should not be limited to the expansion and enhancement of the existing methods, but needs to explore the possibilities in all aspects, no matter it can be used right now or not. Meanwhile, i kind of understand the difference between research in HCI and regular develop in HCI. The main purpose about research in HCI is to provide the novel ideas and technologies and see what it could be used in the future, it’s about showing the unlimited possibilities no matter how uncanny it is. This field is full of imagination and innovation.

Some of the works in this symposium cleverly utilize the physical properties of different substances as a medium for interaction, such as ice, iron power or screen windows.

interaction by using various material with different physical properties

In the terms of gesture interaction, different developers have proposed multifaceted interaction methods from different perspectives. Utilizing existing systems to recognize and learn gestures allows non-signers to communicate with signers. Utilizing gesture information for expansion. Or to solve the problem of improving the experience of practical interaction in virtual space etc.

Through conversations with different developers, we all explored and researched in different directions in which we are interested, and I was also very happy to learn from them many different ways of thinking, as well as many different development mediums and technologies.
I am very happy to have this opportunity to visit the symposium, happy happy happy ^^.

My Journey to Interaction 2024(HUA)

Hello everyone, I’m HUA (M2), and I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to attend Interaction 2024, held at the Hitotsubashi Hall in Tokyo from March 6th to 8th, 2024. This event was an incredible chance for me to delve into cutting-edge research and design and to engage with students, educators, and professionals from various fields. The excitement of being part of such an inspiring and creative gathering was truly exhilarating.

During the three-day conference, I participated in various exciting lectures and interactive experiences with anticipation. I am particularly concerned about issues related to AI, VR,AR and sustainable design, as I believe these fields will be an development trend in the future. At the same time, I have focused on research related to gaze estimation and gaze tracking, not only because it is related to my own research, but more importantly, I hope to establish connections with like-minded people and find inspiration from their research.

Entrance to the venue
On site presentation
Demo display

This system was developed by a company and uses gaze control to turn pages in assembly manuals, employing Tobii for eye tracking. Using it feels very effortless. They informed me that the system is currently in the experimental phase and hasn’t been officially deployed yet. Naturally, there are still some points that need improvement.

Demo display

This system, aimed at young children, fosters programming thinking. Although it might seem like just playing simple games, I believe this system underscores the current emphasis on coding education. At Interaction 2024, I observed numerous studies related to support for coding education, which highlights the future importance of programming education.

Demo display

This study explores the concept of pseudo-haptics, where users can perceive tactile sensations without actual haptic feedback devices, simply by subtly altering the position and speed of a cursor. Related research includes “Visual Haptics,” which replicates the feeling of physically touching objects by manipulating cursor movement and deformation based on the state of the object being touched. This approach can simulate various sensations such as roughness, viscosity, three-dimensionality, depth, resistance in liquids, and resistance as if being blown by the wind. In this research, the cursor manipulation was achieved using eye-tracking technology provided by Tobii.

IgNobel Prizes winner talk

Several professors shared their award-winning experiences and research insights with the students, engaging in a fruitful exchange. There were also moments when students posed questions, to which the professors provided detailed responses. I found this lecture to be incredibly enriching.

As Interaction 2024 ends, I reflect on these past few days with a sense of profound gratitude and fulfillment. This conference has been an invaluable learning opportunity for me. Each lecture and demo experience have taught me so much. I believe the inspiration and knowledge gained at Interaction 2024 will greatly assist and enlighten me in my future studies and work endeavors. My heartfelt thanks go to Interaction 2024 for this unforgettable journey. I eagerly look forward to next encounter.